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「搶救考古」(salvage archaeology)是指工程開發因發現遺址而停工,先進行考古發掘以獲取遺址文化內涵,減少因工程破壞而流失的資料。臺灣地狹人稠、開發密集,因而學者長期疲於奔命到處進行搶救考古,其中卑南遺址可謂臺灣搶救考古的開端。1980年7月1日南迴鐵路盛大開工,臺東車站興建工程卻在前一天的整地與取土作業,意外鏟出石板、骨骸與遺物,因而啟動搶救考古。當年的發掘規模在臺灣考古史上至今仍堪稱空前絕後,除了造就一座國家博物館,更催生臺灣《文化資產保存法》。


Salvage archaeology refers to archaeological survey and excavation carried out in advance of new construction or other land development in order to preserve those data and materials from a site in danger of imminent destruction. Taiwan is a small island with dense population and development, and the local scholars have been exhausted from rescuing the archaeological sites. On June 30th 1980, the day before the commencement of South-link Line railway construction, a large number of slates, remains and artifacts were accidentally unearthed during the land clearance for the new station. The Peinan Site salvage excavation was therefore initiated and considered the first case and by far the largest in scale in the history of Taiwan's archaeology. It not only brought about the establishment of a national museum, but also paved the way for the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act in Taiwan.

This exhibition focuses on the beginning and most hustling phase of the salvage excavation of Peinan Site from 1980 to 1982. The so-called "salvage archaeology" was initiated for the first time in Taiwan thanks to the joint efforts from local cultural fields, academics, and the media, under the circumstances of slow engineering execution, looting and illicit trade, and budget delay. As a matter of fact, the civic consciousness of preserving archaeological and cultural heritage had been developed in Taitung before the Peinan Site incident due to its geographical significance. This exhibition retrospects the intricate relationships among the involved figures through the archives, press photos and articles, which represents an important lesson the Peinan Site had offered to Taiwan's civil society.

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